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Search results for "MATHEMATICS":

  1. [request_ebook] Nonlinear Systems Analysis (Classics in Applied Mathematics)
  2. [share_ebook] Numerical Computing with Matlab,Cleve B. Moler,Society for Industrial Mathematics,2004
  3. Compatibility, Stability, and Sheaves (Pure and Applied Mathematics (Marcel Dekk
  4. Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics, Second Edition (Game
  5. Big Queues (Lecture Notes in Mathematics)
  6. Analytic Number Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
  7. Dictionary of Classical and Theoretical Mathematics
  8. Mathematics Content for Elementary Teachers
  9. Understanding Mathematics and Science Matters (Studies in Mathematical Thinking
  10. Mathematics for Game Developers (Game Development)
  11. Problem-Solving Strategies (Problem Books in Mathematics)
  12. Advanced Mathematical Thinking (Mathematics Education Library)
  13. Mathematics of Genome Analysis
  14. The A to Z of Mathematics: A Basic Guide
  15. Introduction to Topological Manifolds (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
  16. Basic Elements of Real Analysis (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
  17. Mathematics for Business, Science, and Technology, Second Edition
  18. Dictionary of Classical and Theoretical Mathematics
  19. Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science (2nd Edition)
  20. Mathematics of the Securities Industry

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Search results for "MECHANICS":

  1. [request_ebook] Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials
  2. A Guide to Physics Problems : Part 1: Mechanics, Relativity, and Electrodynamics
  3. Microwave Component Mechanics (Artech House Microwave Library)
  4. Continuum Mechanics for Engineers, Second Edition
  5. Vehicle Crash Mechanics
  6. Computational Cardiology: Modeling of Anatomy, Electrophysiology, and Mechanics (Lecture Notes in Co
  7. Popular.Mechanics.Espana.January.2006
  8. Microwave.Component.Mechanics
  11. Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB
  12. Fluid Mechanics, Second Edition
  13. Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics
  14. Structural Mechanics of Buried Pipes
  15. Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control
  16. From Classical to Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction to the Formalism, Foundations and Applications
  17. Engineering Mechanics , Statics
  18. The Finite Element Method for Solid and Structural Mechanics, Sixth Edition
  19. Fundamentals of Structural Mechanics
  20. Introduction to Contact Mechanics (Mechanical Engineering Series)

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Search for derivatives (including variations) returned 55 hit(s) in 4 second(s).

Course Search Results
Course Title Details Source Language Relevance
18.014 Calculus with Theory I, Fall 2002 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
15.414 Financial Management, Summer 2003 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
2.004 Modeling Dynamics and Control II, Spring 2003 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
24.962 Advanced Phonology, Spring 2005 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
11.434J Advanced Topics in Real Estate Finance, Spring 2007 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
24.901 Language and its Structure I: Phonology, Fall 2002 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
15.997 Practice of Finance: Advanced Corporate Risk Management, Spring 2009 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
11.432J Real Estate Capital Markets, Spring 2007 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
18.156 Differential Analysis, Spring 2004 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
Cálculo Infinitesimal Details Universidad Politecnica Madrid Spanish
6.253 Convex Analysis and Optimization, Spring 2004 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
16.100 Aerodynamics, Fall 2005 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
1.061 Transport Processes in the Environment, Fall 2008 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
2.154 Maneuvering and Control of Surface and Underwater Vehicles (13.49), Fall 2004 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
Fundamentos Matemáticos I (2009) Details Universidad de Cantabria Spanish
Fundamentos Matemáticos (2008) Details Universidad de Cantabria Spanish
Capital Markets (NIRI) Details University of California, Irvine English
Calculus III Details University of Massachusetts Boston English
Calculus I Details University of Massachusetts Boston English
HST.525J Tumor Pathophysiology and Transport Phenomena, Fall 2005 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
16.333 Aircraft Stability and Control, Fall 2004 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
These: Deroulage du peuplier : effets cultivars et stataions sur la qualite des produits derives Details Paris Tech French
18.02 Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2007 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
Curso Cero de Matemáticas para Estudiantes de Empresariales Details Universidad de Zaragoza Spanish
8.512 Theory of Solids II, Spring 2009 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
16.885J Aircraft Systems Engineering, Fall 2004 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
Ampliación de Matemáticas II Details Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Spanish
Industrias de la lengua Details Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Spanish
Introduction to Free/Open-Source Software Details University of Puerto Rico Spanish
Inferencia Estadística Details Universidad Icesi English
3.60 Symmetry, Structure, and Tensor Properties of Materials, Fall 2005 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
Economía financiera Details Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Spanish
20.102 Macroepidemiology (BE.102), Spring 2005 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
ANÁLISIS MATEMÁTICO Details Universidad Politecnica de Valencia Spanish
12.810 Dynamics of the Atmosphere, Spring 2008 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
ESD.86 Models, Data and Inference for Socio-Technical Systems, Spring 2007 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
Geografía General Details Universidad Nacional de Educacion Spanish
9.520 Statistical Learning Theory and Applications, Spring 2003 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
6.801 Machine Vision, Fall 2004 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
Ampliación de Cálculo Numérico (2009) Details Universidad de Murcia Spanish
22.615 MHD Theory of Fusion Systems, Spring 2007 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
22.921 Nuclear Power Plant Dynamics and Control, January (IAP) 2006 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
Nuevos materiales, soportes y poéticas pictóricas (2008) Details Universidad de Murcia Spanish
9.520 Statistical Learning Theory and Applications, Spring 2006 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
8.811 Particle Physics II, Fall 2005 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
SISTEMAS OPERATIVOS - II Details Universidad Politecnica de Valencia Spanish
22.103 Microscopic Theory of Transport, Fall 2003 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
2.081J Plates and Shells, Spring 2007 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
2.57 Nano-to-Macro Transport Processes, Fall 2004 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
18.997 Topics in Combinatorial Optimization, Spring 2004 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
21L.701 Literary Interpretation: Beyond the Limits of the Lyric, Fall 2006 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
Macroeconomía III (2009) Details Universidad de Cantabria Spanish
10.37 Chemical and Biological Reaction Engineering, Spring 2007 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
24.919 Topics in Linguistics: Creole Languages and Caribbean Identities, Spring 2004 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
21L.449 End of Nature, Spring 2002 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
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s p o n s o r e d   l i n k s

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Emco Maximat Super 11 Service Part.pdf

Parts Catalog of Emco Maximat Super 11 lathe, quite useful lathe that fits for both professionals and home engineer. Available in English and metric version with a hardened bed as standard. Also a screwcutting gearbox with independent power sliding and surfacing feeds driven by clutch protected power. This parts catalog is in 3 different language, English, French and Germany.

s p o n s o r e d   l i n k s

Marine Engines and Boilers Their Design and Construction - A Handbook for the Use of Students, Engineers and Naval Construction.pdf

A complete textbook/ handbook on marine engines and boilers with over 800 pages complete with illustrations, schemes, useful tables & formulas suit for mechanical engineers, naval engineers or students.

Hydraulic Resistance.pdf

December 10, 2009 · Filed Under Mechanical & Industrial Engineering · Comment  · Tags: ,

A Course Notes of Hydraulic Resistance from Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI, Mechanical Engineering Department. Cover various hydraulic resistance in hydraulic line.

Basics of Fluid Mechanics.pdf

November 16, 2009 · Filed Under Mechanical & Industrial Engineering · Comment  · Tags: ,

Taken from: What is Fluid Mechanics?: The fluid mechanics study involve many fields that have no clear boundary between them. Researchers distinguish between orderly flow and chaotic flow as the laminar flow and the turbulent flow. The fluid mechanics can also be distinguish between a single phase flow and multiphase flow (flow made more than one phase or single distinguishable material). The last boundary (as all the boundaries in fluid mechanics) isn’t sharp because fluid can go through a phase change (condensation or evaporation) in the middle or during the flow and switch from a single phase flow to a multi phase flow. Moreover, flow with two phases (or materials) can be treated as a single phase (for example, air with dust particle).

Fundamentals of Compressible Flow Mechanics.pdf

Taken from Preface: This book, Fundamentals of Compressible Flow, describes the fundamentals of compressible flow phenomena for engineers and others. This book is designed to replace the book(s) or instructor’s notes for the compressible flow in (mostly) undergraduate classes for engineering/science students. It is hoped that the book could be used as a reference book for people who have at least some knowledge of the basics of fundamental fluid mechanics, and basic science such as calculus, physics, etc. It is hoped that the computer program enclosed in the book will take on a life of its own and develop into an open content or source project.
The structure of this book is such that many of the chapters could be usable independently. For example, if you need information about, say, Fanno flow, you can read just chapter 9. I hope this makes the book easier to use as a reference manual. However, this manuscript is first and foremost a textbook, and secondly a reference manual only as a lucky coincidence.

s p o n s o r e d   l i n k s

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Emco Maximat Super 11 Service Part.pdf

Parts Catalog of Emco Maximat Super 11 lathe, quite useful lathe that fits for both professionals and home engineer. Available in English and metric version with a hardened bed as standard. Also a screwcutting gearbox with independent power sliding and surfacing feeds driven by clutch protected power. This parts catalog is in 3 different language, English, French and Germany.

s p o n s o r e d   l i n k s

Marine Engines and Boilers Their Design and Construction - A Handbook for the Use of Students, Engineers and Naval Construction.pdf

A complete textbook/ handbook on marine engines and boilers with over 800 pages complete with illustrations, schemes, useful tables & formulas suit for mechanical engineers, naval engineers or students.

Hydraulic Resistance.pdf

December 10, 2009 · Filed Under Mechanical & Industrial Engineering · Comment  · Tags: ,

A Course Notes of Hydraulic Resistance from Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI, Mechanical Engineering Department. Cover various hydraulic resistance in hydraulic line.

Basics of Fluid Mechanics.pdf

November 16, 2009 · Filed Under Mechanical & Industrial Engineering · Comment  · Tags: ,

Taken from: What is Fluid Mechanics?: The fluid mechanics study involve many fields that have no clear boundary between them. Researchers distinguish between orderly flow and chaotic flow as the laminar flow and the turbulent flow. The fluid mechanics can also be distinguish between a single phase flow and multiphase flow (flow made more than one phase or single distinguishable material). The last boundary (as all the boundaries in fluid mechanics) isn’t sharp because fluid can go through a phase change (condensation or evaporation) in the middle or during the flow and switch from a single phase flow to a multi phase flow. Moreover, flow with two phases (or materials) can be treated as a single phase (for example, air with dust particle).

Fundamentals of Compressible Flow Mechanics.pdf

Taken from Preface: This book, Fundamentals of Compressible Flow, describes the fundamentals of compressible flow phenomena for engineers and others. This book is designed to replace the book(s) or instructor’s notes for the compressible flow in (mostly) undergraduate classes for engineering/science students. It is hoped that the book could be used as a reference book for people who have at least some knowledge of the basics of fundamental fluid mechanics, and basic science such as calculus, physics, etc. It is hoped that the computer program enclosed in the book will take on a life of its own and develop into an open content or source project.
The structure of this book is such that many of the chapters could be usable independently. For example, if you need information about, say, Fanno flow, you can read just chapter 9. I hope this makes the book easier to use as a reference manual. However, this manuscript is first and foremost a textbook, and secondly a reference manual only as a lucky coincidence.

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