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Course Search Results
Course Title Details Source Language Relevance
18.014 Calculus with Theory I, Fall 2002 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
15.414 Financial Management, Summer 2003 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
2.004 Modeling Dynamics and Control II, Spring 2003 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
24.962 Advanced Phonology, Spring 2005 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
11.434J Advanced Topics in Real Estate Finance, Spring 2007 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
24.901 Language and its Structure I: Phonology, Fall 2002 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
15.997 Practice of Finance: Advanced Corporate Risk Management, Spring 2009 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
11.432J Real Estate Capital Markets, Spring 2007 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
18.156 Differential Analysis, Spring 2004 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
Cálculo Infinitesimal Details Universidad Politecnica Madrid Spanish
6.253 Convex Analysis and Optimization, Spring 2004 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
16.100 Aerodynamics, Fall 2005 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
1.061 Transport Processes in the Environment, Fall 2008 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
2.154 Maneuvering and Control of Surface and Underwater Vehicles (13.49), Fall 2004 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
Fundamentos Matemáticos I (2009) Details Universidad de Cantabria Spanish
Fundamentos Matemáticos (2008) Details Universidad de Cantabria Spanish
Capital Markets (NIRI) Details University of California, Irvine English
Calculus III Details University of Massachusetts Boston English
Calculus I Details University of Massachusetts Boston English
HST.525J Tumor Pathophysiology and Transport Phenomena, Fall 2005 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
16.333 Aircraft Stability and Control, Fall 2004 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
These: Deroulage du peuplier : effets cultivars et stataions sur la qualite des produits derives Details Paris Tech French
18.02 Multivariable Calculus, Fall 2007 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
Curso Cero de Matemáticas para Estudiantes de Empresariales Details Universidad de Zaragoza Spanish
8.512 Theory of Solids II, Spring 2009 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
16.885J Aircraft Systems Engineering, Fall 2004 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
Ampliación de Matemáticas II Details Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Spanish
Industrias de la lengua Details Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Spanish
Introduction to Free/Open-Source Software Details University of Puerto Rico Spanish
Inferencia Estadística Details Universidad Icesi English
3.60 Symmetry, Structure, and Tensor Properties of Materials, Fall 2005 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
Economía financiera Details Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Spanish
20.102 Macroepidemiology (BE.102), Spring 2005 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
ANÁLISIS MATEMÁTICO Details Universidad Politecnica de Valencia Spanish
12.810 Dynamics of the Atmosphere, Spring 2008 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
ESD.86 Models, Data and Inference for Socio-Technical Systems, Spring 2007 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
Geografía General Details Universidad Nacional de Educacion Spanish
9.520 Statistical Learning Theory and Applications, Spring 2003 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
6.801 Machine Vision, Fall 2004 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
Ampliación de Cálculo Numérico (2009) Details Universidad de Murcia Spanish
22.615 MHD Theory of Fusion Systems, Spring 2007 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
22.921 Nuclear Power Plant Dynamics and Control, January (IAP) 2006 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
Nuevos materiales, soportes y poéticas pictóricas (2008) Details Universidad de Murcia Spanish
9.520 Statistical Learning Theory and Applications, Spring 2006 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
8.811 Particle Physics II, Fall 2005 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
SISTEMAS OPERATIVOS - II Details Universidad Politecnica de Valencia Spanish
22.103 Microscopic Theory of Transport, Fall 2003 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
2.081J Plates and Shells, Spring 2007 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
2.57 Nano-to-Macro Transport Processes, Fall 2004 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
18.997 Topics in Combinatorial Optimization, Spring 2004 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
21L.701 Literary Interpretation: Beyond the Limits of the Lyric, Fall 2006 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
Macroeconomía III (2009) Details Universidad de Cantabria Spanish
10.37 Chemical and Biological Reaction Engineering, Spring 2007 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
24.919 Topics in Linguistics: Creole Languages and Caribbean Identities, Spring 2004 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
21L.449 End of Nature, Spring 2002 (MIT) Details Massachusetts Institute of Technology English
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Materials Science and Engineering

Combustion synthesis of fullerenes and fullerenic nanostructures. Courtesy Vander Sande Lab.

Students, professors, and researchers in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering explore the relationships between structure and properties in all classes of materials including metals, ceramics, electronic materials, and biomaterials. Read more about Materials Science and Engineering at MIT.

  • Lecture notes Lecture notes
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  • Image Galleries Image Galleries
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  • Online textbooks Online textbooks
  • Assignments and solutions Assignments and solutions
  • Exams and solutions Exams and solutions
  • Multimedia content Multimedia content
  • Assignments (no solutions) Assignments (no solutions)
  • Exams (no solutions) Exams (no solutions)

Updated within the past 180 days

  Course # Course Title Term
Lecture notes
3.00 Thermodynamics of Materials Fall 2002
Lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutionsMultimedia content
3.012 Fundamentals of Materials Science Fall 2005
Image GalleriesMultimedia contentAssignments (no solutions)
3.014 Materials Laboratory Fall 2006
Selected lecture notesOnline textbooks
3.016 Mathematics for Materials Scientists and Engineers Fall 2005
  3.021J Introduction to Modeling and Simulation Spring 2008
Selected lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams (no solutions)
3.032 Mechanical Behavior of Materials Fall 2007
Assignments and solutionsExams and solutions
3.034 Organic & Biomaterials Chemistry Fall 2005
Projects (no examples)
3.042 Materials Project Laboratory Spring 2008
Lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutions
3.044 Materials Processing Spring 2005
Lecture notesExams and solutions
3.051J Materials for Biomedical Applications Spring 2006
Selected lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutionsMultimedia content
3.052 Nanomechanics of Materials and Biomaterials Spring 2007
Selected lecture notesProjects (no examples)Assignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
3.053J Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics Fall 2006
Lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)
3.063 Polymer Physics Spring 2007
Selected lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
3.064 Polymer Engineering Fall 2003
Selected lecture notesProjects (no examples)Assignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
3.080 Economic & Environmental Issues in Materials Selection Fall 2005
Lecture notesExams and solutionsMultimedia contentAssignments (no solutions)
3.091 Introduction to Solid State Chemistry Fall 2004
Multimedia content
3.093 Information Exploration: Becoming a Savvy Scholar Fall 2006
    3.094 Materials in Human Experience Spring 2004
Assignments and solutionsExams (no solutions)
3.14 Physical Metallurgy Fall 2003
Selected lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutions
3.15 Electrical, Optical & Magnetic Materials and Devices Fall 2006
Selected lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutions
3.155J Micro/Nano Processing Technology Fall 2005
    3.172 Inventions and Patents Fall 2005
Lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutionsMultimedia content
3.185 Transport Phenomena in Materials Engineering Fall 2003
    3.986 The Human Past: Introduction to Archaeology Fall 2006
Lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)
3.987 Human Origins and Evolution Spring 2006
Image Galleries
3.A04 Modern Blacksmithing and Physical Metallurgy Fall 2008
    3.A08 Attraction and Repulsion: The Magic of Magnets Fall 2005
    3.A26 Freshman Seminar: The Nature of Engineering Fall 2005
Image Galleries
3.A27 Case Studies in Forensic Metallurgy Fall 2007
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Updated within the past 180 days

  Course # Course Title Term
Online textbooksMultimedia content
3.11 Mechanics of Materials Fall 1999
Assignments and solutionsExams and solutionsMultimedia content
3.20 Materials at Equilibrium (SMA 5111) Fall 2003
Lecture notesExams and solutions
3.205 Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Materials Fall 2006
Lecture notesAssignments and solutions
3.21 Kinetic Processes in Materials Spring 2006
Projects (no examples)Exams and solutionsMultimedia contentAssignments (no solutions)
3.22 Mechanical Behavior of Materials Spring 2008
Lecture notesExams and solutionsAssignments (no solutions)
3.225 Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Materials Fall 2007
Lecture notesAssignments and solutions
3.23 Electrical, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Materials Fall 2007
Selected lecture notesMultimedia content
3.320 Atomistic Computer Modeling of Materials (SMA 5107) Spring 2005
Lecture notes
3.35 Fracture and Fatigue Fall 2003
Selected lecture notes
3.37 Welding and Joining Processes Fall 2002
Assignments and solutionsExams and solutions
3.40J Physical Metallurgy Spring 2003
Selected lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
3.40J Physical Metallurgy Spring 2004
Lecture notesProjects (no examples)Assignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
3.43J Integrated Microelectronic Devices Spring 2007
Assignments and solutionsExams and solutions
3.45 Magnetic Materials Spring 2004
Selected lecture notesProjects (no examples)Assignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
3.46 Photonic Materials and Devices Spring 2006
Assignments and solutionsExams and solutionsMultimedia content
3.53 Electrochemical Processing of Materials Spring 2001
Assignments (no solutions)
3.56 Engineering Systems Analysis for Design Fall 2008
Selected lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)
3.560J Systems Perspectives on Industrial Ecology Spring 2006
Selected lecture notesProjects (no examples)Assignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
3.564J Sustainable Energy Spring 2005
Lecture notes
3.577 Engineering Risk-Benefit Analysis Spring 2007
Multimedia content
3.60 Symmetry, Structure, and Tensor Properties of Materials Fall 2005
    3.80J Proseminar in Manufacturing Fall 2005
Projects and examplesSelected lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams (no solutions)
3.83J System Optimization and Analysis for Manufacturing Summer 2003
Assignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
3.91 Mechanical Behavior of Plastics Spring 2007
Selected lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)
3.961J Design of Medical Devices and Implants Spring 2006
Selected lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutions
3.962J Molecular Principles of Biomaterials Spring 2006
Selected lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)
3.96J Biomaterials-Tissue Interactions (BE.441) Fall 2003
Selected lecture notes
3.97J Cell-Matrix Mechanics Spring 2004
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Surprising geometry emerges in the study of fluid jets. In this image, a vertical jet is deflected into a horizontal sheet by a horizontal impactor. At the sheet's edge, fluid flows outward along bounding rims that collide to create fluid chains. (Photo courtesty A.E. Hasha and J.W.M. Bush.)

An undergraduate degree in mathematics provides an excellent basis for graduate work in mathematics or computer science, or for employment in such mathematics-related fields as systems analysis, operations research, or actuarial science. Read more about Mathematics at MIT.

  • Lecture notes Lecture notes
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  • Multimedia content Multimedia content
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Updated within the past 180 days

  Course # Course Title Term
Lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutions
18.01 Single Variable Calculus Fall 2005
Lecture notesExams and solutionsMultimedia contentAssignments (no solutions)
18.01 Single Variable Calculus Fall 2006
Online textbooksMultimedia content
18.013A Calculus with Applications Spring 2005
Selected lecture notes
18.014 Calculus with Theory I Fall 2002
Assignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
18.02 Multivariable Calculus Spring 2006
Lecture notesExams and solutionsMultimedia contentAssignments (no solutions)
18.02 Multivariable Calculus Fall 2007
Lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutions
18.022 Calculus Fall 2005
Selected lecture notes
18.024 Calculus with Theory II Spring 2003
Lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutionsMultimedia content
18.03 Differential Equations Spring 2006
Selected lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutions
18.034 Honors Differential Equations Spring 2004
Selected lecture notesAssignments and solutions
18.034 Honors Differential Equations Spring 2009
Exams and solutionsAssignments (no solutions)
18.04 Complex Variables with Applications Fall 1999
Selected lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams (no solutions)
18.04 Complex Variables with Applications Fall 2003
Lecture notesExams (no solutions)
18.05 Introduction to Probability and Statistics Spring 2005
Lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutionsMultimedia content
18.06 Linear Algebra Spring 2005
Lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutions
18.062J Mathematics for Computer Science (SMA 5512) Fall 2002
Lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutions
18.062J Mathematics for Computer Science Fall 2005
Lecture notesExams and solutionsAssignments (no solutions)
18.062J Mathematics for Computer Science Spring 2005
Projects and examples
18.06CI Linear Algebra - Communications Intensive Spring 2004
Projects and examplesSelected lecture notes
18.091 Mathematical Exposition Spring 2005
Assignments and solutions
18.098 Street-Fighting Mathematics January (IAP) 2008
    18.100A Analysis I Fall 2007
Exams and solutions
18.100B Analysis I Fall 2006
Assignments and solutionsExams and solutions
18.100C Analysis I Spring 2006
Lecture notes
18.101 Analysis II Fall 2005
Lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams (no solutions)
18.102 Introduction to Functional Analysis Spring 2009
Lecture notes
18.103 Fourier Analysis - Theory and Applications Spring 2004
    18.104 Seminar in Analysis: Applications to Number Theory Fall 2006
Lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutions
18.112 Functions of a Complex Variable Fall 2008
Lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams (no solutions)
18.152 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations Fall 2004
Lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)
18.152 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations Fall 2005
Lecture notes
18.238 Geometry and Quantum Field Theory Fall 2002
Lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutions
18.303 Linear Partial Differential Equations Fall 2006
Projects (no examples)
18.304 Undergraduate Seminar in Discrete Mathematics Spring 2006
Lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
18.310C Principles of Applied Mathematics Fall 2007
Assignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
18.311 Principles of Applied Mathematics Spring 2009
Selected lecture notesProjects (no examples)Assignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
18.312 Algebraic Combinatorics Spring 2009
Assignments and solutionsExams (no solutions)
18.314 Combinatorial Analysis Fall 2005
Lecture notes
18.330 Introduction to Numerical Analysis Spring 2004
Lecture notesProjects and examples
18.337J Applied Parallel Computing (SMA 5505) Spring 2005
Lecture notes
18.353J Nonlinear Dynamics I: Chaos Fall 2006
  18.361J Introduction to Modeling and Simulation Spring 2008
Assignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
18.400J Automata, Computability, and Complexity Spring 2005
Selected lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutionsMultimedia content
18.410J Introduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503) Fall 2005
Lecture notesProjects (no examples)
18.413 Error-Correcting Codes Laboratory Spring 2004
Lecture notes
18.433 Combinatorial Optimization Fall 2003
Assignments (no solutions)
18.440 Probability and Random Variables Spring 2009
Lecture notes
18.443 Statistics for Applications Fall 2003
Lecture notesExams (no solutions)
18.443 Statistics for Applications Fall 2006
Assignments (no solutions)
18.443 Statistics for Applications Spring 2009
Assignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
18.700 Linear Algebra Fall 2005
Lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
18.701 Algebra I Fall 2007
Selected lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
18.702 Algebra II Spring 2008
Selected lecture notes
18.704 Seminar in Algebra and Number Theory: Rational Points on Elliptic Curves Fall 2004
    18.704 Seminar in Algebra and Number Theory: Computational Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry Fall 2008
Lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)
18.712 Introduction to Representation Theory Fall 2008
Selected lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutions
18.781 Theory of Numbers Spring 2003
Selected lecture notes
18.901 Introduction to Topology Fall 2004
Projects and examples
18.904 Seminar in Topology Fall 2005
Selected lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)
18.950 Differential Geometry Fall 2008
Lecture notesProjects and examples
18.994 Seminar in Geometry Fall 2004
Assignments and solutions
18.S34 Problem Solving Seminar Fall 2007
    18.S66 The Art of Counting Spring 2003
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Updated within the past 180 days

  Course # Course Title Term
Lecture notesAssignments and solutions
18.075 Advanced Calculus for Engineers Fall 2004
Assignments and solutionsExams and solutionsMultimedia content
18.085 Computational Science and Engineering I Fall 2008
Projects and examplesMultimedia content
18.086 Mathematical Methods for Engineers II Spring 2006
Lecture notes
18.094J Teaching College-Level Science Spring 2006
Multimedia contentAssignments (no solutions)
18.094J Teaching College-Level Science and Engineering Spring 2009
Lecture notes
18.117 Topics in Several Complex Variables Spring 2005
Lecture notes
18.125 Measure and Integration Fall 2003
Lecture notes
18.155 Differential Analysis Fall 2004
Lecture notes
18.156 Differential Analysis Spring 2004
Lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)
18.175 Theory of Probability Fall 2008
Lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams (no solutions)
18.305 Advanced Analytic Methods in Science and Engineering Fall 2004
Lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
18.306 Advanced Partial Differential Equations with Applications Fall 2009
    18.307 Integral Equations Spring 2006
Lecture notes
18.315 Combinatorial Theory: Hyperplane Arrangements Fall 2004
    18.315 Combinatorial Theory: Introduction to Graph Theory, Extremal and Enumerative Combinatorics Spring 2005
Selected lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)
18.318 Topics in Algebraic Combinatorics Spring 2006
    18.319 Geometric Combinatorics Fall 2005
Lecture notes
18.327 Wavelets, Filter Banks and Applications Spring 2003
Selected lecture notesExams and solutionsAssignments (no solutions)
18.335J Introduction to Numerical Methods Fall 2004
Lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams (no solutions)
18.335J Introduction to Numerical Methods Fall 2006
Projects and examplesAssignments (no solutions)
18.336 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations Spring 2009
Selected lecture notes
18.338J Infinite Random Matrix Theory Fall 2004
Selected lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutions
18.366 Random Walks and Diffusion Fall 2006
Assignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
18.369 Mathematical Methods in Nanophotonics Spring 2008
Lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
18.376J Wave Propagation Fall 2006
Assignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
18.377J Nonlinear Dynamics and Waves Spring 2007
Selected lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
18.385J Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos Fall 2004
Exams (no solutions)
18.404J Theory of Computation Fall 2006
Lecture notes
18.405J Advanced Complexity Theory Fall 2001
Lecture notes
18.409 Behavior of Algorithms Spring 2002
  18.409 Topics in Theoretical Computer Science: An Algorithmist's Toolkit Fall 2007
    18.415J Advanced Algorithms Fall 2005
  18.415J Advanced Algorithms Fall 2008
Selected lecture notes
18.416J Randomized Algorithms Fall 2002
Projects and examplesSelected lecture notes
18.417 Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology Fall 2004
Lecture notes
18.426J Advanced Topics in Cryptography Spring 2003
Selected lecture notesAssignments and solutionsExams and solutions
18.435J Quantum Computation Fall 2003
Selected lecture notes
18.437J Distributed Algorithms Fall 2005
Selected lecture notes
18.465 Topics in Statistics: Nonparametrics and Robustness Spring 2005
Lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)
18.465 Topics in Statistics: Statistical Learning Theory Spring 2007
Lecture notesExams (no solutions)
18.466 Mathematical Statistics Spring 2003
Assignments (no solutions)
18.705 Commutative Algebra Fall 2008
Lecture notes
18.725 Algebraic Geometry Fall 2003
Lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)
18.726 Algebraic Geometry Spring 2009
Selected lecture notes
18.727 Topics in Algebraic Geometry: Intersection Theory on Moduli Spaces Spring 2006
Lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)
18.727 Topics in Algebraic Geometry: Algebraic Surfaces Spring 2008
Lecture notes
18.755 Introduction to Lie Groups Fall 2004
Lecture notesAssignments (no solutions)
18.785 Analytic Number Theory Spring 2007
Assignments (no solutions)Exams (no solutions)
18.786 Topics in Algebraic Number Theory Spring 2006
Assignments (no solutions)
18.905 Algebraic Topology Fall 2006
Selected lecture notes
18.906 Algebraic Topology II Spring 2006
Lecture notes
18.917 Topics in Algebraic Topology: The Sullivan Conjecture Fall 2007
Lecture notes
18.965 Geometry of Manifolds Fall 2004
Lecture notesAssignments and solutions
18.966 Geometry of Manifolds Spring 2007
Lecture notes
18.969 Topics in Geometry: Dirac Geometry Fall 2006
Lecture notes
18.969 Topics in Geometry: Mirror Symmetry Spring 2009
Selected lecture notes
18.996 Topics in Theoretical Computer Science : Internet Research Problems Spring 2002
Projects and examplesSelected lecture notes
18.996 Random Matrix Theory and Its Applications Spring 2004
Lecture notes
18.996A Simplicity Theory Spring 2004
Lecture notes
18.997 Topics in Combinatorial Optimization Spring 2004
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Linear Methods of Applied Mathematics
Orthogonal series, boundary-value problems, and integral operators

Evans M. Harrell II and James V. Herod



© Copyright 1994,1995,1996, 1997, 2000 by Evans M. Harrell II and James V. Herod. All rights reserved.


This is a WWW textbook written by Evans M. Harrell II and James V. Herod, both of Georgia Tech. It is suitable for a first course on partial differential equations, Fourier series and special functions, and integral equations. Students are expected to have completed two years of calculus and an introduction to ordinary differential equations and vector spaces. For recommended 10-week and 15-week syllabuses, read the preface.

This text concentrates on mathematical concepts rather than on details of calculations, which are often done with software, such as Maple or Mathematica. It is not necessary to have experience with Maple or Mathematica in order to read this text, nor is it the goal of this text to teach software, but there are links in the text to Maple worksheets and Mathematica notebooks, which perform calculations and provide some supplementary instructive material. The supplementary material exists both in a "flat" form, which can be read with Netscape, and also in an active form, requiring mathematical software.

If you have access to mathematical software, you may wish to take this opportunity to set up the latest version of Netscape to launch Mathematica or Maple automatically when appropriate.

You are welcome to browse, but if you make more than casual use, such as downloading files or using them as study materials, certain restrictions and fees apply. Before proceeding, please read this copyright notice.




     Diagnostic quiz

       Please take this before embarking on a course from this book.

       Links to review materials on ordinary differential equations and linear algebra

  1. Linearity

       Also available in an Adobe Acrobat version

       Also available in an Adobe Acrobat version

       The red syllabus and the yellow syllabus continue with Chapter III
       The green syllabus continues with Chapter XIII

       Also available in an Adobe Acrobat version (without links)

       Also available in an Adobe Acrobat version (without links)
      A test at this stage.

       Also available in an Adobe Acrobat version (without links)

       The red syllabus continues with Chapter VI
       The yellow syllabus continues with Chapter XIII

       Also available in an Adobe Acrobat version (without links)

       Also available in an Adobe Acrobat version (without links)

      A test at this stage.

       Also available in an Adobe Acrobat version (without links)

       Also available in an Adobe Acrobat version (without links)

       Also available in an Adobe Acrobat version (without links)

      A test at this stage.

       End of the red syllabus.

Link to

Evans M. Harrell II (send message)
James V. Herod (send message)


Unabridged Version of Sean's Applied Math Book

Download. Latest Build: January 24, 2004

Please note that the unabridged version of the text may not be used by Caltech students in ACM 95/100.

You can download the text in the following formats by saving the link to your computer. The PDF versions are better for viewing on your computer; they are hyperlinked. Get the postscript version if you are going to print the text.

  • PDF, (Portable Document Format), suitable for viewing on the computer. This version has a page layout with smaller margins, larger fonts and a lower aspect ratio. 9.7 megabytes.
  • PDF This version is in letter format. 8.9 megabytes.
  • zipped postscript. 5.8 megabytes.
You can also download the source, (the LaTeX and graphics files). There is a makefile for compiling the sources. Feel free to cut and paste the sources to make documents that suit your needs. I have a users guide that describes how to use the source of the text.

Mathematica Notebooks

Some of the exercises in the text are solved in Mathematica notebooks. These exercises are labeled with the name of the notebook. Below is a list of these notebooks. You can download files to your computer and open them in Mathematica. You can also download all the notebooks in a tarball. (I have also written a set of tutorial Mathematica notebooks that I have used in teaching a Mathematica class.)


Status of the Text


  • Algebra
    • Sets and Functions - Very preliminary.
    • Vectors - Finished. An elementary treatment.
  • Calculus
    • Differential Calculus - Short, but done.
    • Integral Calculus - Short, but done.
    • Vector Calculus - Very preliminary.
  • Functions of a Complex Variable
      Complex Numbers - Done.
    • Functions of a Complex Variable - Done.
    • Analytic Functions - Done.
    • Analytic Continuation - Disorganized.
    • Contour Integration and Cauchy's Formula - Done.
    • Cauchy's Integral Formula - Done.
    • Series and Convergence - Done.
    • The Residue Theorem - Done.
  • Ordinary Differential Equations
    • First Order Differential Equations - Done.
    • First Order Systems of Differentials Equations - Preliminary.
    • Theory of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations - Done.
    • Techniques for Linear Differential Equations - Done.
    • Techniques for Nonlinear Differential Equations - Preliminary.
    • Transformations and Canonical Forms - Preliminary.
    • The Dirac Delta Function - Preliminary.
    • Inhomogeneous Differential Equations - Done.
    • Difference Equations - Preliminary.
    • Series Solutions of Differential Equations - Done.
    • Asymptotic Expansions - Preliminary.
    • Hilbert Spaces - Very Preliminary.
    • Self Adjoint Linear Operators - Very Preliminary.
    • Self Adjoint Boundary Value Problems - Very Preliminary.
    • Fourier Series - Done.
    • Regular Sturm-Liouville Problems - Done.
    • Integrals and Convergence - Preliminary.
    • The Laplace Transform - Done.
    • The Fourier Transform - Done.
    • The Gamma Function - Preliminary.
    • Bessel Functions - Preliminary.
  • Partial Differential Equations - All the chapters are very preliminary.
  • Calculus of Variations - No text, just some exercises and solutions.
  • Nonlinear Differential Equations - No text, just some exercises and solutions., at(sean,dot(caltech,edu)) / Last Modified: October 11, 2006


Math 848 Class Notes

Note: These are informal notes which are to be corrected and updatedregularly.

Math 848, Final Examination:


Prerequisite: Advanced Calculus, Linear Algebra, Analysis, suggested course to be taken in advance or concurrently: Math 828

Suggested additional references: J.Hale, Ordinary Differential Equations, L. Perko, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, P. Hartman, Ordinary Differential Equations

1. Introduction
2. Linear Transformations
3. General Properties of Differential Equations
4. Existence Uniqueness Theorem
5. Dependence of Solutions to Differential Equations onParameters
6. Dependence of Solutions to Differential Equations onParameters--Continued
7. Autonomous Differential Equations
8. Limit Sets
9. Two dimensional systems
9a Differential Equations on a Two dimensional Torus
9b Differential Equations on a Two dimensional Torus--alternate
10. Umlaufsatz
10a. Degree of Circle Maps
10b. Alternate version of Umlaufsatz
11. Another index formula
11a. Alternate treatment of Section 11
12. Linear Differential Equations
13. Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients
14. Some examples
Note that the following notes (14a, 14b, 14c, 14d) were taken from other sets of lecture notes, so the page numberings do not have the number 14 in in them. They involve 17 and 18.
14a. Further Examples and Properties-a
14b. Further Examples and Properties-b
14c. Further Examples and Properties-c
14d. Further Examples and Properties-d
15. Jordan Canonical Form
16. The Grobman-Hartman theorems
17. Proofs of the Grobman-Hartman theorems
18. Proofs of the Grobman-Hartman theorems -Continued
19. Hyperbolic Periodic Orbits and Lyapunov Stability
20. Hamiltonian Systems in $R^{2n}$
21. Hamiltonian Systems and Variational Problems




Finite Difference and Spectral Methods
for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations

Lloyd N. Trefethen

Available online -- see below


This 325-page textbook was written during 1985-1994 and used in graduate courses at MIT and Cornell on the numerical solution of partial differential equations.

The book has not been completed, though half of it got expanded into Spectral Methods in MATLAB. Nevertheless, the part of it that is written is in quite polished form, including many exercises, and is suitable for classroom use (and indeed has been used at quite a few universities). Copies are now available here for use by anyone who wishes. There is no restriction on this use, except that any copies must not alter the original text and must include the author's name.

The files currently online are missing some tables, figures, and text that are not available in PostScript or are in copyright; a list of some of these omissions is available.

Thanks to Darryl Yong of Harvey Mudd College for converting these PostScript files into searchable pdf files.

Front matter. Preface, Table of Contents, etc. (ps,pdf)
Chapter 1. Ordinary differential equations. (ps,pdf)
Chapter 2. Fourier analysis. (ps,pdf)
Chapter 3. Finite difference approximations. (ps,pdf)
Chapter 4. Accuracy, stability and convergence. (ps,pdf)
Chapter 5. Dissipation, dispersion, and group velocity. (ps,pdf)
Chapter 6. Boundary conditions. (ps,pdf)
Chapter 7. Fourier spectral methods. (ps,pdf)
Chapter 8. Chebyshev spectral methods. (ps,pdf)
References. (ps,pdf)

Perhaps a reasonable way to cite this book would be: Lloyd N. Trefethen, Finite Difference and Spectral Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, unpublished text, 1996, available at

Return to L. N. Trefethen homepage




Table of Contents [11–20 of 30 articles]


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